The following is a high level summary of this amazing book. If, like me, you have had “an interesting” relationship with money then this book might be very helpful. I particularly found the exercise where Jen’s has you write a letter to money about your relationship a real eye opener.
If you would like a more detailed summary please pop in your name and email address below and I will send it to you.
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High Level Summary
Big Ideas:
- Time spent rationalising the mediocre could be time spent creating the magnificent.
- Here’s what it takes; agreeing to get really really uncomfortable. Over and Over again.
- The real secret is you have to take huge, uncomfy risks.
- Fear and excitement are two sides of the same coin.
Chapter 1 – Allowance
Big Ideas:
- One of the biggest obstacles to making lots of money is not a lack of good ideas or opportunities or time, or that we’re too slovenly or stupid. It’s that we refuse to give ourselves permission to become rich.
- RICH: Able to afford all the things and experienced required to fully experience your most authentic self.
- The amount of money you need will depend on who you are and what you desire.
- The trick is getting clear amidst the endless supply of inner, and outer, opinions.
- A healthy desire for wealth, is not greed, it’s a desire for life.
- Desire literally means de sire, “of the father.”
- All of Mother Nature’s creatures are designed to fully flourish before they drop dead.
- Greed comes from the same lack mindset as poverty.
- Staying broke is all rooted lack.
- Lack is the start of being you’re in when you believe you’re in need of; when you believe that what you desire doesn’t exist, when your outlook on life is a glass with a hole in the bottom as opposed to a glass half full.
- A lack mindset believes that there’s not enough to go around, that you’re not good enough or worthy enough to flourish, that the money you spend may never make its way back to you.
- Snobbery works in both directions – if you’re rich, thinking you’re better than those who aren’t is as equally lame as being broke and thinking you’re better than those who are rich.
Chapter 2 – Why You Ain’t Rolling In The Cheddah. Yet.
Big Ideas:
- Our “realities” are make-believe – whatever we make ourselves believe, we experience.
- This is how powerful we are and how deceptively simple changing our lives is – we can literally create the reality we desire by making ourselves believe what we desire to think and believe.
- Our beliefs, along with our thoughts and words, are at the root of everything we experience in life, which is why, consciously choosing what rolls around in your mind and falls out of your month is one of the most important things you can do.
- This conscious choosing of your thoughts, beliefs and words is called mastering your mindset.
- Our subconscious mind is the motherboard that controls all our results.
- The subconscious mind is like a 7 year old prince who suddenly becomes king when his father dies.
- He’s running the kingdom of your adult life based on the information that he gathered and processed, while doing somersaults and pulling down his pants in the front yard.
- Our perception of reality is also greatly influenced by our words.
- Words bring our thoughts and beliefs to life and help anchor them into our “realities” through repetition.
- Your thoughts inspire emotions that inspire action that forms your “reality”.
- We are creatures who are driven by emotion.
- Your beliefs are driving the bus.
- Your thoughts are the tour guide.
- Your emotions are the fuel.
- Your actions build the road.
- Here’s the drill:
- Become aware of what your limiting thoughts and beliefs are.
- Question and investigate them.
- Rewrite them.
- Say it out loud and proud.
Chapter 2A – A Tiny But Mighty Chapter About Universal Intelligence
Big Ideas:
- Universal intelligence; whether you like it or not, you already sort of believe in it.
- You believe in something, somewhere.
- We’ve been taught to treat the information delivered to us via our five physical senses as the truth.
- Meanwhile, these senses are limited.
- Our senses provide only a certain scope of information limited by the reach of those senses.
- Universal Intelligence and the power of our thoughts are real and affecting our lives every single moment.
- We live in a Universe that is made up of energy, everything is vibrating, moving, changing, and buzzing.
- One of the ways we interpret this energy is via our five senses. Our eyes pick up on light energy, our ears translate sound waves, our touch interprets energy as solid mass.
- But this is only an interpretation of reality, and a limited one at that.
- This interpretation of our reality is also run through the filter of the belief system we’ve formed via all the information we’ve picked up over the course of our lives.
- Between the five physical senses and the “truth blueprint” created by our belief system, our perception of reality is, shall we say, a tad limited.
- And the way we blast beyond this limited realm is with our thoughts.
- Nothing happens or comes to be without being thought first.
- Universal Intelligence and your thoughts are basically the same force.
- The invisible world creates the visible world.
- Two types of thoughts:
- Outgoing thought, and
- Incoming thought
- Universal Intelligence created all that is and all that will be, and your thoughts are how you use your
- We all have the ability, though our thoughts, to harness the power of the Universe.
Chapter 3 – Show Me The Money
Big Ideas:
- When you don’t investigation what’s going on with your words, thoughts, and beliefs, you risk stumbling through life on autopilot.
- Once you wake up, become aware of your thoughts, beliefs and words, and start choosing them wisely, you can avoid staying stuck in a life of excruciating ho-hummery (or worse), constantly being in financial struggle.
- Money is a unit of measurement used in the act of giving and receiving.
- Contrary to popular belief, money itself is neither good nor bad, friend nor foe, filthy nor clean – it’s just blank, minding its own business, trying not to get jammed in a soda machine.
- “Money is only a tool. It will take you whenever you wish, bur it will not replace you as the driver.” Ayn Rand
- Money is a blank slate that gets its value from the energy and meaning we give it.
- Giving and receiving money is an energetic exchange between people, and your job is to consciously get your frequency in alignment with the money you desire to manifest and open yourself up to receiving it.
- Money always comes to you through other people, but it comes from Universal Intelligence, as so all things.
- Which is why focusing on the frequency of your thoughts, not the people you hope to make money from, is the key to getting rich.
- Money is a renewable resource.
- What you focus on you create more of, so if the plan is to get rich, you’re gonna want to focus on abundance as much as possible.
- Give as much as you can as often as you can, receive with gratitude and joy, think of money as your pal, raise your frequency and get in the flow, yo.
Chapter 4 – Best Practices For Busting Yourself
Big Ideas:
- Take big, audacious action in the direction of your dreams and do not let the fact you’re wetting your pants stop you.
- And if you succeed at staying the course, one of the many glorious results can be that you’ll freak your subconscious out so massively that it will rise up, guns a-blazin’, and reveal itself to you like a pheasant being startled out of a bush.
- Busting yourself tip #1 – bum rush your fears.
- Busting yourself tip #2 – watch your month.
- Busting yourself tip #3 – shut up even more
- Busting yourself tip #4 – have an “us” talk with money
Chapter 5 – The Hollering Of Your Heart
Big Ideas:
- In order to become rich, you must connect to your desire for money with passion.
- And the key to doing this is be getting clear on the specifics of your Why.
- If you’re going to make more money, you need to get in touch with the emotions surrounding your incentive for making it, because emotions are what drive you to action.
- Pay attention to the things you are drawn to, the things you’re good at, the things you lose yourself in, the things that make you stand up and say, “My foot! I can’t feel my foot!” because you’ve been sitting in the same position for hours, totally engrossed.
- Allow yourself to be pulled by your heart instead of pushing your way through a thick fog of shoulds.
- Whilst taking this dictation from your heart and getting clear on your Why, make sure you don’t fall prey to the deadly either/or syndrome.
- You’re either doing what you love or making money, you’re either a good person or a rich person, you can either help the world or you can help yourself, you can either go on vacation or pay your car loan.
- Instead of looking to where you can cut back, save, and play it safe, look to how you can expand, grow, and start acting like a badass who’s in control of your own life.
- You must also stay open to allow Universal Intelligence to deliver what you need.
- Your job is to envision your life with all the specifics you can muster up so you can get all emotional and excited and take inspired actions.
- Then you hand the rest over to the Universe. Otherwise known as surrendering.
Chapter 6 – Your Mental Money Maker
Big Ideas:
- You can have your excuses or you can have success.
- Whichever outcome you train your mind on – dictates the reality you see before you.
- Success is not about your circumstances, it’s about who you’re being.
- People have gotten rich doing and selling everything and people have also gone broke doing and selling the same things the exact same way.
- What you focus on you create more of.
- Worrying is praying for stuff you don’t want.
- Because you’re focused on the worst possible scenario and all the reasons you can’t possibly have what you want, and there are lots of emotions and specifics and faith involved, you create more of what you don’t want over and over with expert precision.
- Changing your focus to the positives of what you have and what you desire changes your attitude and raises your frequency so you can align your energy with, and open yourself up to, everything you need to change your life; the moneymaking opportunities you didn’t notice before, the people you can help and the people who can help you, and the ability to visualise a bigger life for yourself.
- Emotions are the switch.
- The thoughts, beliefs, and emotions we don’t consciously reject, we unconsciously accept.
- Awareness is the key to freedom.
- Imagination is awesome because it doesn’t rely on physical circumstances, our five senses, or anything our parents told us about how important it is to have fresh breath if you want to succeed in life, for validation.
- We’re able to play with the infinite possibilities that are available to us.
- Riches come to those who believe anything is possible even when all signs point to No Way in Hell.
- Your role is to keep your mindset strong, open, and ready to receive.
- What you can and can’t afford is all in your mind.
- An excuse is nothing but a challenge that you’ve given your power to.
- The big secret to getting rich is about thoughts and emotions.
Chapter 7 – Faith And Gratitudinal Gold
Big Ideas:
- Your fortune is in your faith.
- Faith helps you give HOW the heave-ho. You created the life you’re presently living by doing what you know how to do, and by being the person you know how to be
- You created the financial reality you’re in right now by doing what you’re doing how you’re doing it – buying into your present excuses and limitations and working at the same old same old. If you’re serious about creating a new reality, you must do different things and think different thoughts.
- Faith raises your frequency
- Faith helps you shape shift.
- Faith strengthens your relationship with Universal Intelligence.
- Faith strengthens your self-confidence.
- Faith strengthens your abundance mindset.
- Hence forth, faith = abundance mindset = you’re gonna need some bigger pockets.
- Taking a leap of faith is a win/win.
- Treading water in your comfort zone for the rest of your life is a snore/yawn.
- Growth happens through friction and challenge, and the lessons we learn thought these experiences,
- When you have faith that everything happens as it’s meant to, you open yourself up to receive the lesson, to stay the course until you’re successful, and to not totally lose your shit.
- Gratitude, above all other thoughts, unites you with Universal Intelligence because you’re basically matching your frequency to the frequency of the Universe via thoughts and feelings of love.
- Wealth appreciates for the appreciative.
- Gratitude allows you to raise the energy you meet each situation with.
- Resentment attracts more resentment; denial keeps you struck in the same place.
- But gratitude gets you out of the loop of lowness, opens you to new possibilities, and sets you free.
- If you’ve got everything right, but dropping the ball on being grateful, you are most likely pushing the money away out of desperation for this freaking money to come in, already.
- Desperation repels, gratitude attracts.
- Remember, money is currency and currency is energy.
Chapter 8 – Decisive Action; The Choice Of Champions
Big Ideas:
- If you’re serious about getting rich enough to live your life to the fullest, you have to decide to do it with the tenacity of a man facing life-threatening and unbeatable odds with a really bad song struck in his head.
- Because the second something goes wrong or gets have or costs a lot of money or time, if you have decided lite instead of decided for reals, the second the going gets tough you’ll be pulling out your favourite excuses, scripting convincing soliloquies or why quitting makes excellent sense, and weighing your options.
- Deciding means there is no plan B, you’ve yanked in your one foot or the door and now both feet are inside, fully on board, ready to kick ass.
- If you’ve made a backup plan, you haven’t made a decision.
- The Latin roots of the work “decide” literally means “to cut off”, meaning all other options fall away and you are committed to the decision alone.
- You can’t do anything if you try to do everything.
- One of the biggest banana peels on the road to success is fragmenting your time and focus.
- We tend to spend our precious time on Earth procrastinating, whining, focusing on and believing in thoughts that hold us back instead of getting the job done.
- Chunking down your time and demanding that you focus on one thing and one thing only creates urgency, maximises your productivity, and frees up more time for you to do other things.
- Time comes to those who make it, not those who try to find it.
Chapter 9 – Movin On Up
Big Ideas:
- When it comes to money, who and what you surround yourself with, has a huge effect on how you perceive it and feel about it.
- We are energetic beings driven by emotion, so if your surroundings depress you, it’s critical that you do whatever you can to brighten things up.
- The most important part of your environment to be conscious of is the people you surround yourself with.
- Nothing pops our balloon of belief like the pointy pin of a pal.
- This is one of the most common, and upsetting, conundrums people go through when they decide to get rich, so you are not alone if you’re wondering WTF.
- Being willing to let people go does not mean that they will definitely go.
- But you can’t cling to the old you and your old relationships and grow into the new you at the same time.
- You have to choose one or the other.
- When you succumb to fear, you are under the illusion that you can predict the future.
- We waste so much time letting our fears push us around and half the time our fears and doubts never even freaking pan out!
- We are energetic creatures, and when you’ve made the commitment to change your life and to get rich, one of the most important things you can do is be militant about the types of energy you subject yourself to.
- Surround yourself with people whose energy lights you up and it will empower you to get rich.
- Faith is contagious.
- Surround yourself with people who have unwavering faith in themselves, in you, and in our abundant Universe and it will help you take the giant leaps you need to take to get yourself rich.
- Surround yourself with people who have your back and celebrate your successes no matter what.
Chapter 10 – And Now, A Word From My Accountant
Big Ideas:
- We’d rather limp around taped to our ratty, unhealthy relationships with money, afraid that if we peel back the layers, we won’t be able to handle what we see underneath.
- We don’t want to feel the shame and weirdness we have about getting rich, so we stay broke and constantly feel shame and weirdness when it comes to our lack of money.
- The very unfunny cosmic joke; in an attempt to protect ourselves from pain, we perpetuate behaviours that create the very pain we are trying to avoid.
- We’re taught that if we keep working harder, somehow the money will come.
- If this was true, all rich people would be bloodshot and gasping for air instead of sailing around on yachts.
- When we focus on the money instead of working ourselves to death, and get mighty clear about how much we desire to make and what we can do differently in order to make it happen, we open the door to new freedom.
- The number one thing that holds people back is resisting change.
- You have to be willing to change something if you want to change your financial situation.
- You need to shift your focus from where you’re at and what you stand to lose and become consumed by thoughts of where you desire to be and all you have to gain.
- Change your mind, change your life.
- You have to expand your mindset beyond where you’re at if you really want to knock it out of the park.
- Regardless of which path you’re on, here are some critical, basic things you need to be doing if you want to get rich:
- Treat money the way you’d like to be treated.
- Get clear on how much money you have, what you’re bringing in, how much you require each month to live, and where each dollar goes.
- Treat money with respect.
- Hire professionals to help you manage your money if you’re feeling confused or overwhelmed or clueless.
- Be a good host, make room for your money, make it feel welcome.
- Don’t take failure personally.
- Hew not, haw not.
- Charge what you’re worth.
- Treat everything and everyone with respect and do your best no matter what.
Chapter 11 – Your Inner Wealth
Big Ideas:
- The more in tune and in love you are with your awesome self, the less crap you will give about what any nonfans of yours think, the easier it will be to strut, find your joy, and get it on with the green goodness of money.
- This is because getting rich, and succeeding at making any of your other dreams a reality, depends on who you’re being: how you’re thinking, speaking, believing, imagining, stretching, perceiving your world – all of which affect how you act.
- We grow and learn through friction, even friction within ourselves, so your job isn’t to try and rid your life of uncomfortable moments or prickly challenges or hard, long looks in the mirror.
- Your job is to master the art of responding, aka being response-able for, and aware of, your thoughts and actions.
- Meditation
- Affirmations
- Be nice
- Be patient
- Up your confidence
- Serve others
- Lighten up
- Celebrate
- Forgive
- Pay attention to yourself, your awesome, adorable, imperfect self, and make the conscious effort to give yourself what you need, including all the riches you deserve.
- You will love yourself for it.
Chapter 12 – Tenacity
Big Ideas:
- Key mindset pieces:
- Hold tight to your Why
- Go to the spiritual gym – uncertainty is part of the process. Everyone has to fling themselves into the unknown to get to the next level – don’t be a drama queen about it.
- Do your homework
- Get a Mentor
- The number one thing wealthy people attribute their success to is tenacity.
- Key ways to keep going no matter how sucky the going gets:
- Push it real good
- Risk being unpopular
- Ignore the trixters
- Form successful habits
- Course correct
Chapter 13 – Change Loves Company
Big Ideas:
- When you grow in the mindset department, so many things that once loomed large, loom large no more.
- At the time, the discomfit was so intense you thought you might explode, and now when you think back on these fears, they just feel sort of meh.
- As you evolve, it’s helpful to keep in mind that all the seemingly insurmountable roadblocks and fears you’re facing right now on your path to riches will be insignificant crumbs falling through the cracks of your memory someday too.
- Instead of getting caught up in the drama, see those limiting beliefs for that they are – they are make believe.
- Nature makes it easy, we make it hard.
- Badassery seeks its own level.
Hope you found this summary useful. If you would like to know more about my business, click here.
Take care and talk soon
Thrive; don’t just Survive with Janette